
When the "activeTab" permission is declared in manifest.json, it does not mean that this permission is granted at any time and anywhere. The following conditions must be met:

  • The user performs an action. (Extension icon in Google Chrome toolbar)
  • The user operates the right-click menu. (contextmenu)
  • The user executes a keyboard shortcut through the commands API.
  • The user accepts a suggestion through the omnibox API. (Address bar)

For example, you create a side panel with a button, and you want to take a screenshot when the user clicks the button. This will not work because the side panel is not in the above conditions. If you move the button to the right-click menu (contextmenu), and the user takes a screenshot after clicking the right-click menu, it will work.

Sending messages

First, there are two methods for sending messages: chrome.runtime.sendMessage, chrome.tabs.sendMessage. You may not notice that there are two methods when you look at the documentation.

  • chrome.tabs.sendMessage, sends a message to the content script of the tab.
  • chrome.runtime.sendMessage, sends a message to other components or background scripts, content script cannot receive messages sent by it.
  • There is only one method to receive messages: chrome.runtime.onMessage.