nuxt generate failed, but github workflow didn't know about it and still forced the deployment, causing the website to display errors.

My old code:

run: npm install && npm run generate

If an error occurs, the GitHub workflow will theoretically be interrupted. The problem lies in npm run generate. If a single page of nuxt generate reports an error, an error message will be displayed, but no error signal will be output, so the GitHub workflow does not know.

The code I modified adds two checks. If there is an error signal, exit. If the output contains the key string Composer.onError, exit.

run: |
  output=$(npm install && npm run generate)
  echo "$output"
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "Installation or build failed, command execution returned a non-zero status code."
    exit 1
  if echo "$output" | grep -i "at Composer.onError"; then
    echo "Installation or build failed because output contains 'at Composer.onError'."
    exit 1